Communities – Town Hall 20 May 2020

for those who missed it, here are the headlines.

Peer-to-peer Caring

We started the Town Hall explaining what is at the heart of betoobe in term of community building: peer-to-peer caring, one of the three pillars of betoobe.
Peer-to-peer caring is about taking care of the people we invite on betoobe, and is represented on the platform by the group “TEAM-familyname”.
The TEAM members are the people invited by the Team lead on betoobe. And those people are the primary population we have to take care.

Why caring?

Caring is mirroring our values:  share, grow, collaborate, solidarity, empathy, connect.

Caring is a mean to:

  • help people
  • discover their need to grow and give them the necessary support
  • help them retrieving the benefits of betoobe which can be considered as a peer-to-peer market (people offers services, others consume services aka Mindshares)

Growing your Team

The more we expand our TEAM, the more we contribute to the diversity of betoobe in term of profiles, expertise, culture and business opportunities.
We are currently (on 20-5-2020) 72 betoobe members. Let’s target 100 by end of June.
If each of us invites one person, target will be achieved!

The TALK by our Guest speaker – Geert Nijs

Geert is an expert in social collaboration and you can access his presentation here: COMMUNITIES
Geert was able to give us, in 25 minutes, the headlines of what it does require to build a community in term of identity, language, step approach to launch it, people, values.
I invite the participants to share in a comment their own take-aways.

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