The future of work for Independent Professionals

I’m doing an interview for an assignment. I was recommended by one of my clients. During the interview, I understand that my contact would like to see me take on a project management role within a PMO. Classic, what I call a “job description” assignment.
What I understand through the conversation is a more complex issue within the organization, more strategic. And this challenge interests me, because I could give free rein to a whole range of skills that go beyond project management.
I propose to put on paper my ideas about the strategic challenge, and an approach to meet the challenge that presents itself within his organization.
My contact is surprised: he saw me in a box with a label “Project Manager”, and I am telling him that I have other labels, other skills. “You know how to do all this,” he says to me?
betoobe pilot
I answer in the affirmative: who does not attempt anything, has nothing! And I whisper in his ear that I’m not alone. That I have two accomplices with whom to collaborate to provide coverage of services and broader skills. My two fellow members of betoobe.
What I have in mind is to seize the opportunity offered to me to test the betoobe concept: I am offered a classic job, which does not fascinate me; and I answer by saying: ‘I understood the challenge to which you are confronted. I can help you; I am not alone; I have access to an ecosystem of experts in different fields, who can team up and collaborate on a project. ”
In the betoobe platform which is part of the digital ecosystem, I have the opportunity to post the business opportunity, and to propose a collaboration to my two friends. We worked in video conferencing, the best solution in response to our agendas, overloaded with missions and various initiatives, as many other Independent Professionals.
Three 2-hour online sessions, a collaborative tool to shared documents and work in parallel, and in less than a week, we submitted an offer; we also created our branding and logo!
Power of collaboration
Once the offer was sent, we felt energized by the experience of collaboration, by the emergence of ideas, each of us contributing to its area of expertise. And we are ready to start again! The outcome is not important at this stage. The important thing is that we were able to test our collaboration, our complementarity, to define an approach and propose a service offer. We were able to build in a short timeframe an offer and we also applied collective intelligence methods to accelerate the ideation and iteration creative process.
It’s betoobe; a digital ecosystem that aims to change the perception that companies have of the contribution of the self-employed, and to transform the workplace.
betoobe offers the self-employed the opportunity to form alliances of members with complementary skills and who share the same values.
Experience has convinced me that the system of values, collaboration and collective intelligence inherent in betoobe will allow independent Professionals to envisage other perspectives in their work, in their network, and in the impact they can to have in the professional world.
betoobe: the road to growth, recognition and satisfaction for Independent Professionals